HomeWhat IsThe Best-Selling Video Game Franchises of All Time: Legends, Legacy, and Billions

The Best-Selling Video Game Franchises of All Time: Legends, Legacy, and Billions

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In the vast and ever-evolving realm of video games, certain franchises have emerged as titans, captivating players across generations and amassing staggering sales figures. These are the best-selling video game franchises of all time, the undisputed champions of the industry. But what sets these behemoths apart, and which one reigns supreme?

The best-selling video game franchise of all time

The best-selling video game franchise of all time is Tetris, with over 495 million copies sold. Other best-selling video game franchises include:

  • Pokémon: over 480 million copies sold
  • Super Mario: 430 million copies sold
  • Call of Duty: 425 million copies sold
  • Grand Theft Auto: 420 million copies sold
  • FIFA: 325 million copies sold

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Mario: The Plumber Who Conquered the World

Photo of Mario: The Plumber Who Conquered the World

With his iconic red cap, blue overalls, and a penchant for rescuing princesses, Mario has become synonymous with video games. Since his humble beginnings in the 1980s, Mario has starred in countless adventures, spanning platformers, racing games, party games, and more. With his infectious enthusiasm and innovative gameplay, Mario has captured the hearts of players worldwide, propelling the franchise to over 800 million units sold. This staggering figure solidifies Mario’s position as the undisputed champion of the video game industry.

Pokémon: Gotta Catch ‘Em All!

Pokémon: Gotta Catch 'Em All!

In the world of Pokémon, trainers embark on epic journeys to catch, train, and battle fantastical creatures. From the original Game Boy titles to the latest releases on the Nintendo Switch, Pokémon has captured the imagination of millions, inspiring a global phenomenon that encompasses video games, trading cards, animated series, and more. With over 480 million units sold, Pokémon is a true testament to the power of captivating characters, engaging gameplay, and a world that invites players to explore and discover.

Call of Duty: The Modern Warfare Juggernaut

Photo from the game Call of Duty: The Modern Warfare Juggernaut

With its explosive action, cinematic campaigns, and addictive multiplayer modes, Call of Duty has become a staple of the modern gaming landscape. From the gritty realism of World War II to the futuristic battles of Advanced Warfare, Call of Duty has consistently delivered adrenaline-pumping experiences that keep players coming back for more. With over 425 million units sold, Call of Duty has cemented its status as one of the best-selling video game franchises of all time.

Grand Theft Auto: A Controversial Cultural Icon

Grand Theft Auto: A Controversial Cultural Icon

Grand Theft Auto is not just a video game franchise; it’s a cultural phenomenon. With its sprawling open worlds, compelling stories, and controversial themes, Grand Theft Auto has pushed the boundaries of what video games can achieve. From the sun-soaked streets of Los Santos to the gritty underbelly of Liberty City, Grand Theft Auto has captivated players with its immersive environments, unforgettable characters, and the freedom to explore and create chaos. With over 400 million units sold, Grand Theft Auto is a testament to the power of storytelling and the enduring appeal of virtual worlds.

FIFA: The Beautiful Game Goes Virtual

Photo of a boy playing FIFA video game

For soccer fans around the world, FIFA is more than just a video game; it’s a virtual playground where dreams can come true. With realistic graphics, immersive gameplay, and the ability to compete with their favorite teams and players, FIFA has captured the essence of the beautiful game. From local multiplayer matches to global online tournaments, FIFA has united soccer fans from all corners of the world, creating a vibrant community that celebrates the sport’s universal appeal. With over 325 million units sold, FIFA is a testament to the power of passion and the enduring popularity of the world’s most beloved sport.

The Future of Gaming: A New Generation of Legends

As technology continues to advance and new platforms emerge, the landscape of video games is constantly evolving. While Mario currently holds the crown as the best-selling video game franchise of all time, the future is full of possibilities. New franchises will emerge, existing ones will evolve, and the competition for the top spot will only intensify. With the rise of mobile gaming, cloud gaming, and virtual reality, the future of gaming is brighter than ever before.

Conclusion: The Legacy Continues

The best-selling video game franchises of all time are more than just commercial successes; they are cultural touchstones that have shaped the lives of millions. They have inspired, entertained, and challenged us, pushing the boundaries of what video games can achieve. From the timeless adventures of Mario to the virtual worlds of Grand Theft Auto, these franchises have left an indelible mark on the gaming landscape. As we look to the future, we can only imagine what new legends will emerge and what new worlds will be explored. The legacy of the best-selling video game franchises is far from over, and the future is full of endless possibilities.

What is the highest grossing video game franchise of all time?

The Pokémon franchise reigns supreme as the highest-grossing video game franchise of all time, amassing a staggering estimated revenue of $90 billion. While video game sales contribute significantly to this impressive figure, it’s the franchise’s expansive reach beyond gaming that truly sets it apart.

Pokémon’s popularity transcends consoles and handhelds, captivating audiences through a wide array of mediums. The iconic trading card game has become a global phenomenon, fostering a dedicated community of collectors and competitors. The animated series, with its endearing characters and captivating storylines, has entertained generations of viewers worldwide. Additionally, numerous films, merchandise, and licensed products have further solidified Pokémon’s status as a cultural icon.

This multi-faceted approach has allowed Pokémon to generate revenue streams far beyond what traditional video game franchises typically achieve. While other franchises may boast impressive sales figures for their games alone, Pokémon’s diverse portfolio has propelled it to unparalleled financial success.

It’s important to note that this staggering $90 billion figure encompasses the franchise’s entire lifespan, spanning over two decades. During this time, Pokémon has consistently evolved and expanded, adapting to new platforms and technologies while maintaining its core appeal. This adaptability, combined with the franchise’s universal themes of friendship, adventure, and discovery, has ensured its enduring popularity across generations.

While the exact breakdown of revenue sources may vary, it’s clear that Pokémon’s success extends far beyond the realm of video games. The franchise’s ability to captivate audiences through various mediums, from trading cards to animated series, has solidified its position as the highest-grossing video game franchise of all time. As Pokémon continues to evolve and expand, its financial dominance shows no signs of slowing down.

Is GTA V the best-selling game ever?

While Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) is undoubtedly a commercial titan, having sold a staggering 195 million copies as of December 2023 and holding the title of the best-selling console/PC-only game, it doesn’t claim the ultimate crown of the best-selling video game ever. That honor belongs to the seemingly simple yet endlessly addictive puzzle game, Tetris, with an estimated 520 million copies sold across various platforms.

GTA V’s success is undeniable, solidifying its position as a cultural phenomenon and a landmark achievement in the gaming industry. Its open-world design, engaging narrative, and online multiplayer component have captivated players for years, leading to its enduring popularity and impressive sales figures. However, Tetris’s universal appeal and availability on a vast array of platforms, from dedicated handheld consoles to mobile devices, have propelled it to unprecedented heights.

Moreover, Tetris’s enduring popularity can be attributed to its timeless gameplay, which transcends age and cultural barriers. Its simple yet challenging premise of arranging falling blocks has captivated players for decades, making it a staple in the gaming world. This widespread appeal has resulted in numerous iterations and adaptations of the game, further contributing to its massive sales figures.

While GTA V’s sales are concentrated on consoles and PC, Tetris’s reach extends far beyond these platforms, making it accessible to a broader audience. This accessibility, combined with its addictive gameplay and enduring popularity, has solidified Tetris’s position as the best-selling video game of all time.

In conclusion, while GTA V is a remarkable commercial success, it falls short of surpassing Tetris’s record-breaking sales figures. Tetris’s universal appeal, timeless gameplay, and availability on various platforms have contributed to its unparalleled success, making it the undisputed champion of the video game industry in terms of sales.

What is the 400 million selling video game series?

The Call of Duty franchise stands as a monumental titan in the video game industry, boasting over 425 million units sold as of November 2023. This staggering figure solidifies its position as one of the best-selling video game franchises of all time. Its annual releases, featuring captivating campaigns and addictive multiplayer modes, have consistently drawn in legions of dedicated fans.

From its early roots in World War II settings to modern and futuristic conflicts, Call of Duty has evolved to cater to a wide range of player preferences. This adaptability, coupled with a relentless focus on delivering thrilling action and immersive gameplay, has propelled the franchise to unprecedented heights.

Each new installment in the series generates immense anticipation and consistently ranks among the top-selling games of the year. The franchise’s enduring popularity is a testament to its ability to consistently deliver high-quality experiences that resonate with players across the globe.

The Call of Duty series has not only achieved commercial success but has also left a lasting impact on the gaming landscape. It has redefined the first-person shooter genre, pushing the boundaries of technological innovation and storytelling. Its influence extends beyond the virtual battlefield, shaping the way other games are designed and marketed.

With a dedicated fan base and a proven track record of success, the Call of Duty franchise shows no signs of slowing down. As new technologies emerge and gaming trends evolve, the series continues to adapt and innovate, ensuring its place among the best-selling and most influential video game franchises for years to come.

How much money has PUBG made?

PUBG Mobile, the mobile adaptation of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, has established itself as a financial juggernaut in the mobile gaming landscape. As of December 2023, it has accumulated over $9 billion in lifetime revenue, primarily through in-app purchases, battle passes, and other monetization strategies tailored for the mobile platform. The game’s accessibility, engaging gameplay, and frequent updates have contributed to its widespread popularity and sustained player engagement.

While the $9 billion figure solely reflects PUBG Mobile’s earnings, the franchise’s reach extends beyond the mobile realm. The PC and console versions of PUBG, released earlier than their mobile counterpart, have also garnered significant revenue through game sales, downloadable content, and cosmetic items. Although precise figures for these platforms remain undisclosed, their contribution to the overall franchise revenue is undeniable, given PUBG’s global success and multi-platform presence.

The combined revenue from PUBG Mobile, PC, and console versions cements PUBG as one of the most lucrative video game franchises in history. The game’s innovative battle royale format, realistic graphics, and competitive gameplay have resonated with players worldwide, resulting in a dedicated community and sustained financial success.

Furthermore, PUBG’s impact extends beyond its financial achievements. It has revolutionized the battle royale genre, inspiring numerous other titles and shaping the landscape of competitive gaming. The game’s esports scene has flourished, with professional tournaments and leagues attracting millions of viewers and offering substantial prize pools.

PUBG’s ongoing development and expansion demonstrate a commitment to maintaining its position as a leading force in the gaming industry. With regular content updates, new maps, and innovative features, the franchise continues to evolve and attract new players while retaining its loyal fanbase.

In conclusion, PUBG’s financial success is a testament to its groundbreaking gameplay, widespread appeal, and multi-platform presence. The combined revenue from its mobile, PC, and console versions has solidified its position as one of the most profitable video game franchises of all time. As the franchise continues to evolve and expand, its financial dominance shows no signs of waning, ensuring its place as a major player in the gaming industry for years to come.

What is the second best selling console of all time?

The Nintendo DS, a handheld gaming console released in 2004, secures its place as the second best-selling console of all time, amassing a remarkable 154.02 million units sold worldwide during its lifetime. Its innovative dual-screen design, with a touch-sensitive lower display, revolutionized handheld gaming and attracted a diverse audience.

The console’s appeal extended beyond traditional gamers, drawing in casual players with its intuitive interface and unique game experiences. Titles like “Brain Age” and “Nintendogs” offered engaging activities beyond the typical gaming fare, further broadening the DS’s market reach.

The DS also boasted a robust library of games spanning various genres, from beloved Nintendo franchises like “Pokémon” and “Mario” to innovative new titles like “The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass” and “Animal Crossing: Wild World.” This diverse selection catered to a wide range of tastes, ensuring there was something for everyone on the platform.

The DS’s success can be attributed to its innovative hardware, diverse software library, and ability to appeal to both core gamers and casual players alike. It left an indelible mark on the gaming landscape and paved the way for future handheld consoles like the Nintendo Switch. While its production has ceased, the DS remains a beloved and influential piece of gaming history.

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